A Neurologist is a medical doctor with specialized training in diagnosing, treating and managing disorders of the brain and nervous system. Neurologist does not perform surgery.
Common neurologic disorders include:- Migraine and other headaches, Epilepsy (Seizures), Stroke ( Paralysis), Vertigo, Dementia (Memory Problem), Sleep Disturbances, Head Injury, Cervical And Back Pain, Parkinson’s Disease, Movement Disorders, Multiple Sclerosis, Nerve And Muscle Disorders, Neuropsychiatry, Diabetic Neuropathy and Neuro-ophthalmology.
Neurological disorders are diagnosed on the basis of detailed clinical history and careful neurologic examination. A neurologic examination includes assessment of mental state, vision strength, coordination, sensation and reflexes. Sometimes further tests are needed to reach a diagnosis like: CT, MRI, EEG, NCS, EMG, CSF Analysis etc.
Treatment is available for many neurological disorders. Treatment can help many people with neurologic disorders maintain the best possible quality of life..